

U9 - LTAD Rules

Long Term Athletic Development Program


U9 -  (CLA Rule Book, Appendix E, Option L) 

  • No Shot Clock (ALA Rule)
  • The stick shall measure no longer than 40” (101.6cm) and no shorter than 26”


  • The ball used shall be a standard lacrosse ball that conforms to CLA standards

and approved by the CLA. (hard ball)

  • Each goal shall consist of two upright poles 3’ (91.44cm) apart, joined by a rigid

crossbar 3’ (91.44cm) from the playing surface

  • All players must wear the following equipment: helmet, mask, elbow pads,

mouth guard, gloves, jock/jill strap, shoulder and arm pads, back/kidney pads.

  • Soft knee pads are optional.
  • The duration of the game shall be three 15-minute straight time periods, with 3- minute intermissions. Each period starts with a face off, as well as after each goal


  • Shift changes are done on the fly
  • NO coaches on the floor
  • A score sheet (provided by the home team) must be completed prior to each game.
  • All goals, assists and penalties are recorded on the game sheet, and displayed on the score board.
  • A differential of more than 5 goals shall not be displayed, but still need to be

recorded on the score sheet.

  • Defensive players may place their stick on their opponent and push them away

(place and push).

  • Any offensive player (including the ball-carrier) who deliberately charges toward an opponent may be assessed a charging penalty.
  • There is to be NO BODY-CHECKING.


  • A defensive player may check an opponent by placing their stick head on the

opposing player’s stick head.

  • Fall Back Rule applies.


The Fall Back Rule Explained:

  • Applies whenever possession is gained by the goalkeeper (by a save or awarded possession).
  • All opposing players must clear out to the neutral zone (over the nearest restraint line)

before they can re-enter the offensive zone.

  • If the opposing team fails to clear all players to the neutral zone before re-entering, the play

will be stopped, and possession will be awarded to the goalkeeper.

  • The referee shall ensure that all opposing players are in the neutral zone before restarting


  • All of the goalkeeper’s teammates must clear out of their dotted line/24’ arc.
  • Goalkeeper must PASS the ball to a teammate OUTSIDE the 24’ arc, in an overhand passing


  • Rolling the ball to a teammate from the crease is not allowed
  • If the pass to a teammate is unsuccessful, (i.e. does not leave the 24’ before being retrieved)

the referee shall blow the whistle to stop play and allow the goalkeeper to try again.

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